TechGrid vs. ConnectWise CPQ

Quoting is a critical part of every MSP's success, and you need a tool that not only supports your growth but integrates seamlessly across your systems. TechGrid solves these challenges to provide a modern and automated quoting and proposal experience. See why leading MSPs are choosing TechGrid as their preferred ConnectWise CPQ alternative.

Random squares with TechGrid and ConnectWise logos in large white squares


TechGrid is a business operating system designed to modernize how VARs and MSPs build, sell, and fulfill IT solutions for customers. TechGrid automates the entire quoting and proposal process by integrating powerful features like a CPQ engine, digital product and service catalogs, guided sales workflows, sales automation tools, embedded financial services, and collaborative workspaces. Service Providers access the platform using an interface called Central Office, which offers a modern and intuitive user experience.  With flexible, usage-based pricing and native integrations into your existing apps and partners, TechGrid provides a connected quoting and proposal process that will help you grow revenue, grow profit, and increase the value of your business.

ConnectWise CPQ

ConnectWise CPQ offers a quoting and proposal solution that MSPs can use to support their sales process, but in order to get the full value of the CPQ, you’ll need to invest in the entire ConnectWise ecosystem. This reliance on multiple products can quickly become a complex and costly investment. ConnectWise CPQ can be challenging to use and maintain, especially for organizations with more nuanced sales workflows and larger teams. With static pricing models that are not transparent and a reliance on add-ons, growing with the product is difficult and expensive. While ConnectWise CPQ provides tools for quote creation and management, its fragmented approach to financial services and user experience will require additional effort to achieve a seamless quoting workflow. 

Why IT Service Provider Teams
Choose TechGrid Over ConnectWise CPQ

Reason #1

Reason #2

Reason #3

Deliver solutions to your customers as a team, not by the seat.

Selling technology requires teamwork between MSPs, partners and the customer. Siloed communications, handoffs, and scattered files can make building accurate quotes and sending proposals a costly and time-consuming process.  

Workspaces centralize all aspects of the quoting process—messaging, file storage, tasks, and workflows—all in a single view for the life of a deal. We have features like real-time progress tracking and the ability to invite anyone to the quote including partners and the customer.

Plus, we designed it for everyone on your team—not to sell more seats like other CPQ software “ahem” ConnectWise. 

#1 Workspaces_ Connectivity & Team Productivity-1

Sell services like they were physical products

Quoting products has long been a standardized process, services on the other hand—not so much. Building a quote for services is still custom every time and varies wildly by engineer and project. 

Our Service Catalog is the only catalog (that we know of) that standardizes the services you offer. We use features like price automation and variable pricing to dynamically calculate the cost of your services for each quote. 

Just like with products, we include detailed service information and the ability to assign standardized Statements of Work (SOW) for each service. This not only helps your team deliver accurate and profitable quotes quickly but also protects against scope creep by clearly defining project boundaries.

Customers benefit from a clear understanding of what they’re purchasing, while your team avoids unexpected tasks that weren’t part of the original proposal. 

#2 Service Catalog

Sell anything you want as-a-Service; literally anything.

Customers want flexible consumption of all their technology — not just SaaS and Cloud. TechGrid offers the easiest way to convert everything you sell into an as-a-Service solution. 

We built financial services directly into the CPQ process, allowing your team to choose financing options that align with how your customers want to purchase. 

With patented features like BOM automation, you can instantly create a bill of materials complete with financing. Perform credit checks, access dynamic finance rates and pre-approved agreements from the bank all within your sales workflow. 

TechGrid is the only platform that makes it possible for VARs and MSPs to move to an as-a-Service model that is low risk and scalable. 

#3 Tech Finance-2
All Features

Compare Features Side by Side

ConnectWise CPQ
Product Catalog
Dynamic Pricing Logic
On-Demand Field Services
Technology product content
Real-time distributor pricing & availability
Pre-Built Product Catalog with OEM Bundles
Pre-Built IT Service Catalog with 50+ SKUs
IT Service Catalog with Service Information Management (SIM)
One-SKU Bundling Capability
Internet Access from 100+ Carriers
Quote Creation
Dynamic Proposal Templates with eSignature
Peer review
Distributor quote import
Achievement system
Custom input quote templates
Advanced interface customization
Subscription options
Guided selling with visual quoting
Contract options
Manager Approvals
Advanced tax calculations
Item management
Digital Sales Room
Team Member Profiles & Roles
Branded Proposal Templates with eSignature
Activity Feed
Real-Time Quote Tracker
Guided Team Member Checklists
Document Management
Financial Services
Recurring revenue management
Finance Rates
Leasing options
Customer Credit Workflows
Real-Time Dynamic Finance Rates
Subscription Management
Accept Online Payments via CC and ACH
Automated Subscription Payouts
Sell anything on subscription
Finance workflows
Pricing & product rules
Sales coaching automation
Bill of Materials Automation
Sales Tax Automation
Custom workflow rules
Customer Experience
Secure online quote delivery
Client portal
Real-Time Quote Trackers
Real-Time Messaging
All-Digital Customer Onboarding
ConnectWise PSA™ integration
AutoTask integration
Salesforce integration
Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration
NetSuite integration
Custom CRM field mapping
Direct Integration with Wells Fargo
200+ App & Partner Integrations
Custom Integration

*Competitive data on this page was collected as of September 2024 and is subject to change or update. TechGrid does not make any representations as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on this page. 

Comparison Details

TechGrid vs ConnectWise CPQ


Most MSPs offer a large variety of products and services, meaning there’s a lot to choose from when you build a quote. 

However, many MSPs and VARs still rely on outdated spreadsheets or manual catalogs to build quotes, which can lead to errors, inefficiencies, and a lack of up-to-date information.  

A digital catalog that’s connected to your distributors ensures that your team can quickly and accurately configure solutions, price them correctly, and generate quotes that reflect the most current data. 

TechGrid revolutionizes how you organize and manage the products and services you sell. With our pre-built, pre-populated digital catalog that boasts over 1 million items, ranging from common items like hardware and licensing, to things you typically can’t find like internet services, apps, and professional services. 


Our catalog is designed to support every aspect of IT service delivery, making it an indispensable tool for both VARs and MSPs.   

The TechGrid catalog is directly populated from manufacturers' data, ensuring that product details, availability, and pricing are always up to date.  

Dynamic pricing logic automatically adjusts based on the latest data from distributors or partners, aligning pricing models with the specific service or product being sold. Whether it's hardware, software, or a complex service bundle, the catalog ensures that your pricing is competitive and tailored to each customer’s needs.  

The TechGrid catalog is specifically optimized for the lifecycle of services. IT services are separated from products, ensuring that each stage of service delivery — from discovery to renewal — is handled with precision. The service catalog includes a wide range of pre-configured IT services, such as internet services and apps, designed for quick deployment and efficient management.  

One of the key advantages of TechGrid is the advanced bundling capabilities. The platform allows you to create component-based bundles that include multiple items grouped together, each retaining its individual pricing and specifications. This flexibility enables you to offer highly tailored solutions to customers. The dynamic nature of these bundles means that pricing can automatically adjust based on the specific items included and the customer’s location.  

The ConnectWise catalog creation process is entirely manual, starting with a blank slate that requires you to enter each product or service individually. This not only consumes valuable time but also increases the risk of errors and outdated information.   

While ConnectWise offers integration with Etilize for product data and real-time pricing, this is a paid add-on and still falls short of the seamless, real-time updates provided by TechGrid.   

Additionally, the bundling feature in ConnectWise is limited to creating single SKUs without the ability to break down into individual components, restricting the flexibility needed to meet diverse customer requirements. Without dynamic pricing, any changes in cost or availability require manual updates, further complicating the management process.  

Quote Creation 

In the world of CPQ, efficient quote creation is essential for closing deals quickly and accurately. Traditional methods often involve static templates and manual adjustments. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in leveraging digital workspaces, which revolutionize the quoting process by centralizing all relevant information and interactions in one cohesive environment. 

Quote Creation-3

TechGrid digital workspaces offer a unified environment where all aspects of the quoting process can be managed. Features include built-in messaging, progress tracking, and file storage. The guided workflows adjust based on the type of product or complex service package you’re offering. 

TechGrid also offers unlimited dynamic contract and proposal templates, including an extensive document library for crafting and customizing tailored Statements of Work (SOWs), agreements, and quotes. 

Subscription capabilities are deeply integrated into the TechGrid platform, making it easy to manage recurring revenue streams. Customizable workflows with discovery forms tailored to your customer's needs ensure that every quote aligns with their business goals.  

ConnectWise offers only static proposal templates, with options to purchase additional templates, costing thousands of dollars. These templates are limited and inflexible, often resulting in basic and unappealing PDF forms. The ConnectWise approach to proposals lacks the customization found with TechGrid. 

ConnectWise offers subscriptions (referred to as “agreements”) but with only one workflow available, it is primarily designed for product sales and does not accommodate complex solutions. This one-size-fits-all approach limits the ability to tailor proposals to specific customer needs.   

Financial Services 

Customers demand flexible financing options. By automating credit checks, providing dynamic rates, and managing payments within one platform, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce friction, and mitigate risk. 

TechGrid enhances the quote creation process with fully integrated financial services, including real-time dynamic finance rates directly embedded into the software. This allows you to offer competitive financing options with rates adjusting dynamically based on the specific deal and customer preferences.  

Our platform offers five customizable finance plans, all managed directly within the selling and fulfillment workflows. A standout feature of TechGrid is our direct integration with Wells Fargo which enables automated credit checks and tailored financing solutions to be handled directly on the platform. 

Payments and invoicing are also streamlined through TechGrid, allowing for direct management and online transactions via credit cards and ACH payments. 

ConnectWise offers real-time finance rates through an API, but these rates are static and tied to a fixed rate deck. Any customer credit checks and finance management are handled off-platform. 

While ConnectWise allows for payments, the process is cumbersome with a less user-friendly interface, lacking connection and flexibility. 


Automation For MSPs and VARs, automating key processes like pricing, tax calculations, and workflow approvals can drastically reduce the quote-to-cash time. The ability to set up automated rules that govern everything from Bill of Materials (BOM) creation to sales tax calculations allows your team to focus on selling and delivering exceptional service while the system handles the repetitive, error-prone tasks. 


TechGrid excels in automation, offering an expedited digital sales and fulfillment process. The platform automates crucial tasks such as: 

Bill of Materials Automation: Populate BOMs directly from discovery forms. This is especially useful for large-scale contracts or government deals, where consistent pricing and compliance are critical. For example, if you have a contract that requires certain discounts for bulk purchases, TechGrid will automatically apply these discounts, adjusting the final price in real-time. 

Pricing Automation: Set up pricing rules and contracts that dynamically adjust costs based on various factors, including deal size and agreements.

Sales Tax Automation: The dynamic tax engine within TechGrid calculates sales tax based on the location of the sale, accommodating the varied tax rates across different states or regions. For example, if you’re selling Office365 (taxable in some states but not others), TechGrid automatically determines the correct tax rate based on the location. This eliminates the risk of tax errors that come with guesswork or manual calculations, helping you avoid compliance issues and potential audit risks — something we've found many MSPs struggle with when taxes aren't calculated accurately.

Workflow Automation: Set up rules for automatic approvals based on criteria such as deal volume or equipment thresholds. This means that if a quote exceeds a certain value, it can be automatically flagged for additional review or approval. You can also create rules that automatically assign quotes to specific team members based on their role.

ConnectWise requires manual BOM creation and relies on static rate decks for pricing, necessitating manual adjustments. It also lacks a dynamic tax engine, so users must manually calculate and apply sales tax. ConnectWise offers limited workflow automation, which is usually restricted to basic approval processes. 

Customer Experience 

In the CPQ process, a well-connected customer experience is essential for ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page throughout the quoting and proposal stages. Effective CPQ solutions need to facilitate collaboration, real-time tracking, and comprehensive digital interactions. 

TechGrid offers a Cloud-based client portal where customers can access a unique digital workspace for each of their quotes. This provides a centralized space for reviewing quotes, making decisions, and ensuring clear communication throughout the process.

Customer Experience-2

TechGrid transforms the CPQ experience by providing a collaborative digital workspace that integrates real-time tracking, messaging, and file storage directly into the quoting process.  

Our platform ensures that every team member and customer is digitally connected throughout the entire proposal journey. This real-time collaboration allows for immediate feedback, updates, and adjustments, significantly speeding up the sales cycle. 

TechGrid offers all-digital customer onboarding, enabling a smooth transition from initial contact to active engagement. This digital onboarding makes it easy for customers to manage and track progress throughout the quoting process. 

TechGrid consolidates all key touchpoints into a single, user-friendly portal. With the Customer Console, at no additional cost, customers can streamline their interactions and manage everything in one place. Whether an MSP has 50 or 500 customers, there's no per-customer charge for access — a distinction from other platforms that often include extra fees for similar features.

ConnectWise doesn’t offer a client portal which forces users to juggle multiple systems and pay for additional add-ons to manage their deals. 


Integrations are crucial for an efficient CPQ process, enabling smooth data flow between systems and reducing manual data entry. Effective CPQ solutions have robust integration capabilities to connect with CRMs, distributors, and other essential tools directly within the workflow. 

TechGrid is built around the concept of a Marketplace that includes over 1,000 partners and apps. Our platform provides native integrations with major CRMs and distributors like Ingram Micro, automatically connecting to all partners associated with these distributors.  

This means that when we integrate with Ingram Micro, we're also connected to Microsoft licensing and a vast network of other potential connections.   


These integrations are deeply embedded directly into workflows. For example, our direct integration with Wells Fargo ensures that financial transactions are ingrained into the selling and fulfillment processes, allowing MSPs to manage everything within the platform.  

ConnectWise requires third-party connectors like Bedrock for integrations. These external solutions are often slow, unreliable, and lack real-time updates, complicating workflows and limiting the platform's overall effectiveness.  

Even though ConnectWise may claim distributor integration, it doesn't match the breadth and depth of what TechGrid offers, where integrations are fully embedded into the core processes of the platform. 


TechGrid offers a transparent pricing structure that scales with your business needs, ensuring you have the flexibility to expand without hidden costs. While ConnectWise may present a more affordable option for small, 1-2 person shops, our focus is on providing a comprehensive solution that supports long-term growth and adaptability.

Pricing Breakdown


What people are saying about TechGrid

GLS Logo - Color
“Not only does the platform expedite the sales cycle, but the TechGrid team is readily available to assist us with anything we need to bring our security-focused managed services to the market."
Zane Lindsay Cricle Headshot
Rove Horizontal Logo
“TechGrid is a game changer for IT Solution Providers and MSP’s selling anything as a service. I wish it were available when I owned my MSP Business?”
Dave Brown Circle Headshot
Bellini Capital Logo yellow
“With a client, it’s quoting, procuring, doing and then billing. TechGrid has a very interesting and aggressive take on all of that. They simplify quoting and procurement, they provide the billing and connect to everything that you need to do in the center.”
Arnie Bellini Circle Headshot

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